Members congratulations for the Spring term 2020

Congratulations go to :

  1. Freddie Dobson for passing your grade 1 violin exam.
  2. Ginvera Dobson for passing your grade 4 violin exam with merit.


The Devon Performing Arts Festival result were as follows:


  1. Gabriela Feldpauch – merit in the grades 2 to 3 class.
  2. Imogen Mirfin – commendation in the grades 2 to 3 class.
  3. Dominic Mirfin – distinction and winner of the grades 4 – 5 class.
  4. Scarlett Timlett-Sheehan – merit in the String Recital Class.

Well done everyone!


Members achievements for the Autumn term 2018

Here are some of members recent achievements. We are sure there are many others and would love to hear of them!

Congratulations to:

Gabriela Feldpausch for passing grade 1 cello with merit.

Nadia Thomas for passing grade 2 theory with merit.

Well done to all the cellists who took part in the scale challenge and raised a further £130 for Young Minds bringing our total donated for the year to £310.


Members achievements for the Summer term 2018

Here are just a few of our members achievements for the summer 2018. Please let me know of your achievements so they can be added!

Congratulations to:

Imogen Mirfin for doing well in your cello Prep Test and achieving some lovely positive comments on your certificate.

Ginevra Dobson for passing grade 1 piano and achieving a distinction for grade 2 violin

Lowena Tabor for passing grade 7 cello!

We also like to acknowledge achievements other than exams.

Well done to Robin Buckfield for making good use of you violin skills and bringing music to others by performing to a large audience at a young carers event over the summer.


Zoe Cole

A big congratulations to Zoe Cole who has been successful in gaining a place playing viola in the National Children’s Orchestra (NCO) Training Orchestra for under 9 year olds and South West Regional Orchestra for 2018. Really well done Zoe!!